“Real California episode 2: Corazon y Alma, Chuco Moreno”- GA Thanksgiving Film Festival 2015, 3rd selection


The 3rd and final selection of the GA Thanksgiving Film Festival 2015 is a new Chuco Real CA annoucnementepisode of Real California featuring artist and tattooer Chuco Moreno. We filmed this August 22, 2015 at the legendary Classic Tattoo in Fullerton, California. Owner Tim Hendricks preserved part of Orange County and tattoo history because the shop was once owned by Eric Maaske.

The film begins with an introduction by Jimmy Allen from Shiner Gold Pomade and was shot at Syndicate Barber Shop in Long Beach, California. Thank you Jimmy for the support and Tim & Chris for opening your house to us.

The film begins with the exterior of the shop and two individuals who have been frequenting the shop for many years. They are from the Twister car club and Steve still brings Eric’s car to the shop and parks it out front. Both men have an affinity and respect for the shop and consider it “home”.

Classic Tattoo hearkens back to the 1940’s style tattoo shop and was created to pay homage for the time period by Eric. Everything from the checkered tile, flash art and wall colors are genuine and true.

Chuco Moreno is a man of immeasurable talent and depth that brings originality and culture to the art and tattoo world. In a trade were imitation is often overlooked Chuco brings his heritage and heart to the forefront and is a herald for Neighborhood style art that originated in Chicano barrios and correctional facilities. He was also featured on the cover of the inaugural issue of the Traditional Tattoo Journal.

We hope you enjoy this episode of Real California and the interview with Chuco. This episode is sponsored by Shiner Gold Pomade, www.ShinerGold.com

The GA Thanksgiving Film Festival is an online and interactive experience, comments and feedback is welcomed.


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“Real California: The Small Farm Town Barber”- GA Thanksgiving Film Festival 2015, 2nd selection


The second selection for the GA Thanksgiving Film Festival 2015 is special because it is wild bills tff annoucnementone of the first films we ever shot and it also happens to be at one of our many favorite places to visit. This film is part of the Real California series that features artists, tattooers, barber, craftsman and unique folks throughout the great state of California who are making a difference in their communities and the world at large.

Wild Bill’s Barber Shop is located in Lindsay, CA and is a small farm town of 13,000 residents and surrounded by orchards, groves and mountains. This farm town has a depth that is a rarity these days and the folks are genuine.

Owner Rick Loftin named the shop after his father and is an homage to his character. The décor is real and not store bought which also gives a vintage but authentic nuance. From his grandmother’s old washing machine with washboard or his father’s leather jacket it is all part of who Rick is. Gotta love the Folsom Prison barber chairs!

A huge thank you to the Loftin’s whom I am proud to call our friend’s. Also to the fine folks of Lindsay that made us feel welcomed.

Note: Only one scene was stabilized but the rest is left untouched so as to give you the feeling of walking in the shop.

Stay tuned for the last selection in the GA Film Festival 2015! We hope you enjoy this film and please feel free to leave a comment.

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The Adventures of Dapper Kid- GA Thanksgiving Film Festival 2015 short #1

We decided to make a cool short film about a toddlers visit to a local barber shop because Dapper kid annoucnementquite frankly it would be cool. When you think about what a barber shop is the image of a manly bastion of testosterone and grooming comes to mind. A little bit of humor and beer and you are in for one hell of a good time.

Whittier Blvd has a long and colorful history in Southern California and Uptown Barber Shop was an ideal location to shoot. Not only was the location great but also Gabriel, the owner, truly has a knack for cutting young and old alike. A few months ago we took 6 month old Desi and 2 year old Nicholas Kotsios for a photo shoot for the inaugural issue of the Traditional Barber Journal and it was perfect.

So in a sense this video is a follow-up that documents a true traditional barber performing his profession on a toddler who is able to walk down the Blvd and recognizes the need for proper grooming. So we hope you enjoy the first episode of The Adventures of Dapper Kid, “The Kid and The Barber”!

Stay tuned for more short films in the GA Thanksgiving Film Festival 2015!

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