Episode #005 “Masa & Hitoshi from Japan” vodcast


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We are honored to have Masa and Hitoshi from Japan visit us for episode #005. Masa is the Layrite rep for Asia and has become a good friend to me. Hitoshi owns Rocka Hair in Kobe, Japan. This is a must see episode as they discuss barber culture, music and life in Japan.

Date filmed: 4/19/17
Duration: 1 hour, 3 minutes
Location: Whittier, CA
Guests: Masa & Hitoshi

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Win Shiner Gold Pomade!


We have a contest going on right now on our facebook page. Brought to you by Gentlemen’s Avenue and Shiner Gold Pomade!

To enter you must do both:

#1. Go to our facebook page and like our page (if you already have then that counts)


#2. On our facebook page find the product review titled “Eurkea! Shiner Gold Pomade Has Arrived” and Share the product review of Shiner Gold Pomade on your facebook timeline.

***All entries will be verified***

The contest will end on 12/19/12 @ 1 pm PST and winners will be announced on 12/20/12 @ 1 pm PST on our facebook page.

Prize #1 Shiner Gold Pomade T-Shirt and .75 oz pocket can

Prize #2 Shiner Gold Pomade 4 oz

Good luck!

Mr. M