New Traditional Barber Journal T-Shirts Are Available For Pre-Order!


We have been working hard on many projects and here is one of them! The Traditional Barber Journal Eagle t-shirt is printed on a quality shirt and has a special Pre-Order price of only $15, Small-XXL (XXL +$2), wholesale inquiries are welcomed. This offer is LIMITED TIME! Regular price will be $20.

Email us to place your order [email protected]
tbj t shirt release insta



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Do You Know Man Philosophy? pt.1


We are starting a new series called Man Philosophy that will feature quotes and insights of men from all around the world. The series is founded on the basis of being a Man and Philosophy, to create a foundation that serves as a guide for men of all ages and nationalities. First we must define what philosophy is so that we have a clear understanding.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, philosophy [ fəˈläsəfē ] NOUN: the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline. The term is a combination of the Greek philos and sophia which means, love of wisdom/skill. Our science will combine tradition, experience, and knowledge for the sake of all men.

Here is our first post by Gabriel Garcia of Uptown Barber in Whittier, CA.
Man Philosophy Uptown 1

Anyone who would like to be considered to have their quote or insight featured please don’t hesitate to email us:

[email protected]


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