Book In Progress, “Revival Of The Traditional Barber Shop: Southern California Edition”

Since we have written about barber shops from all over the world we decided to create a special book about this great revival! It is time to document the current history of this great craft known as barbering.

The “Revival Of The Traditional Barber Shop” will be a series. We are starting in our own backyard, Southern California and plan to create other regional editions.
It will only be available in Hard copy!

WE ARE LOOKING FOR BARBER SHOPS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TO FEATURE IN THIS BOOK. If you are a shop or know of one please contact us, also looking for company sponsors [email protected]


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Easier To Download The Avenue Men’s Magazine FREE Digital Version

We decided to simplify the FREE digital download by adding that feature on our website. The hard copy is still available for purchase by clicking here.gent_ave_cover

Inaugural Fall 2013

Pomade stack cover burgandy lo resWinter 2014 updated cover hi res

Double Cover Winter 2014

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How To Look and Be Tip Top

There are many notions, ideas, and beliefs about sayings that have been tip top older genthanded down from previous generations but one in particular has really stood out and has become increasingly relevant and that is “tip-top”. You hear it spoken in various contexts and they center on appearance. According to the dictionary the word was first used in 1702 and denoted the highest point. The word has grown and includes excellent, first-rate, and very well. The term is used as a noun, adjective and adverb. The grammatical categories really blow the idea wide open and give a clearer picture of the word.

In the noun form the word denotes that something is at the highest point, for example the very tip-top of the mountain is 7,000 feet. In this regard there is a lower point in comparison with the highest “tip-top”. As an adjective the word means very good, excellent or great, for example the classic car is in tip-top shape. In this regard it is not low or poor condition. In the adverb form the term means very well which is indicative of action that brought about the condition, for example when Johnny uses pomade to comb his hair it is tip-top.
Now that the formalities of the word are out of the way we can plug this into men’s style, grooming and life.

There is more than just a technical meaning because it is a life-philosophy. No matter how you look at it, if you incorporate this philosophy into your life there must be confidence, pride and passion.The basis for being and looking tip-top is style, grooming, and life. The particulars are to be defined by the individual because there is no cookie cutter template, we are all unique. Whether it is going to a barber shop every two weeks or polishing your dress shoes there is a realization that your are the primary focus and need to feel and look like a million bucks! A man does not have to spend a month’s wages on shoes and a suit because denim and boots from the thrift store can achieve the same tip-tip top shoestop condition. The foundation is taking the time and extra effort to achieve a heightened and/or improved look.

My father taught me tip-top meant that a man should look good from the tip of his shoes to the top of his head. In order to look tip-top a conscious effort must be made to maintain a style, grooming and life but not just superficially because the conduct and behavior would truly depict if you were tip-top or in poor condition.Every man has a responsibility to pass on this tradition to younger generations but never in arrogance, always in humility. It can be something as simple as how to properly match socks with dress shoes and pants or how to choose the pomade that best suits your hair.

Mr. M

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The Avenue Men’s Magazine Winter 2014 Digital Version is now FREE!

We now have FREE digital copies available of The Avenue Men’s Magazine Winter 2014 issue featuring a double cover; Movember and The Booming Pomade Industry! Also, many more great articles for men from all walks of life!

The magazine is gritty, classy, independent and attitude!

Click the image below to download & follow these directions!
2. You need to REGISTER on Magcloud to view on their reader, IOS for ipad, PDF

3. Then go to your account and click “MY DIGITAL LIBRARY”
4. Either select “DOWNLOAD PDF” or “READ NOW”

This is our gift to you!!!

winter 2014 free digital

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