Episode #034 guests “Las Donas Car Club” podcast

itunes logo lodgecast 1400 x 1400Episode #034 features the powerful and impressive ladies of Las Donas Car Club Los Angeles, CA! Not only are these women entrepreneurs, professionals, but also willing to conquer the kustom car culture by founding their own unique car club with cars that are sure to make a statement at any car event. Its the combination of beauty, brains and grit that leaves me amazed. We hope you enjoy this episode.

Release Date: 07/6/18
Location: Whittier, CA
Guest: Las Donas Car Club
Duration: 57 minutes

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Episode #034 guests “Las Donas Car Club” vodcast


itunes logo lodgecast 1400 x 1400Episode #034 features the powerful and impressive ladies of Las Donas Car Club Los Angeles, CA! Not only are these women entrepreneurs, professionals, but also willing to conquer the kustom car culture by founding their own unique car club with cars that are sure to make a statement at any car event. Its the combination of beauty, brains and grit that leaves me amazed. We hope you enjoy this episode.

Release Date: 07/6/18
Location: Whittier, CA
Guest: Las Donas Car Club
Duration: 57 minutes

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2018 Gentlemen's Avenue