New Traditional Barber Journal T-Shirts Are Available For Pre-Order!


We have been working hard on many projects and here is one of them! The Traditional Barber Journal Eagle t-shirt is printed on a quality shirt and has a special Pre-Order price of only $15, Small-XXL (XXL +$2), wholesale inquiries are welcomed. This offer is LIMITED TIME! Regular price will be $20.

Email us to place your order [email protected]
tbj t shirt release insta



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The Inaugural Traditional Barber Journal Is Now Available!


We are pleased to announce the release of the first ever TRADITIONAL BARBER JOURNAL! I must thank all the contributing writers, photographers and advertisers; Hawleywood’s Barber Shop, Layrite, Shiner Gold Pomade, The Wet Shave Academy.

To order the hard copy CLICK HERE. Download the FREE LIMITED DIGITAL version below.

tbj2015 release for website with arrows



Thank you for the SUPPORT!

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