120 Years of Barbering the film, now available for download!

We are super excited to announce the release of the digital download for our film 120 Years Of Barbering! It has been a long 2 years but the wait will be well worth it.

Watch never before seen ancient barber history and the amazing lives of old-timers Fred and Frank. Plus you get 150 years of barbering round-table discussion!

Click here to download!


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Episode #005 “Masa & Hitoshi from Japan” vodcast


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We are honored to have Masa and Hitoshi from Japan visit us for episode #005. Masa is the Layrite rep for Asia and has become a good friend to me. Hitoshi owns Rocka Hair in Kobe, Japan. This is a must see episode as they discuss barber culture, music and life in Japan.

Date filmed: 4/19/17
Duration: 1 hour, 3 minutes
Location: Whittier, CA
Guests: Masa & Hitoshi

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Episode #005 “Masa & Hitoshi from Japan” podcast

itunes logo lodgecast 1400 x 1400We are honored to have Masa and Hitoshi from Japan visit us for episode #005. Masa is the Layrite rep for Asia and has become a good friend to me. Hitoshi owns Rocka Hair in Kobe, Japan. This is a must see episode as they discuss barber culture, music and life in Japan.

Date filmed: 4/19/17
Duration: 1 hour, 2 minutes
Location: Whittier, CA
Guests: Masa & Hitoshi

120 Years Of Barbering The Film, Japanese Edition! 2017 Release!

We are honored to announce that our groundbreaking film will be released in Japan with subtitles in 2017! Not only did we add subtitles to our film but we also translated the iconic film poster created by Howlin Wolf.

The film will be distributed in Japan by our good friend Masa. Be on the lookout early 2017 for this special release.


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Editing Resumes On 120 Years Of Barbering The Film: Update 2.0


Fred and me

On the set of 120 Years Of Barbering The Film, “Mr. Fred could spit into the wind and it will keep on going.” photo credit: Eric

It’s been a long 1 1/2 months recovering from my back injury and an extremely slow process but I thank God that progress has been made. Still not 100% healthy but your patience and understanding has been a great blessing.

I am glad to resume the final edits on this amazing film. Although my pace may be a bit slower, that is dependent on a day to day. I already edited the film twice and this should be the last and final edit. I anticipate the edits should be done by the end of July and if everything goes well the film will be released in August. Barring any unforeseen changes or setbacks. The first two edits have forged this amazing story of two old time barbers who have a combined 120 years of barbering experience.

My standard for the film has not been lowered and I am still determined to make this the best damn film on barbering history available. You will not view barbering the same!

I must thank everyone involved with the film and especially our sponsor Donnie Hawley for his understanding during this difficult time.

Your Friend,

Mr. M
Psalm 36:5

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Update: 120 Years of Barbering the Film & Traditional Barber Journal


First I would like to thank you for all the support and encouragement. I have continually worked hard to write great articles and create innovative publications and films. I do not share my personal life but I believe I owe it to you since many of you are waiting for my work.

I alone created Gentlemen’s Avenue and for the last 4 years created 3 publications; The Avenue Men’s Magazine, Traditional Tattoo Journal, Traditional Barber Journal. I also made a few short films for YouTube and created the series, Real California. Last year with the sponsorship of Donnie Hawley and Layrite I shot my first film 120 Years of Barbering. Not only did Mrs. M and I film it but I have been the sole editor. Which needless to say is a ton of work but extremely enjoyable. Oh, I also manage the website and all social media.

Mrs. M and I had the privilege to photograph many barber shops in Southern California for hospital signa coffee table book series, Revival Of The Traditional Barber Shop.

Along the way Mrs. M has been my support, camera operator, critique and an amazing woman.

A little over a month ago I suffered a back injury (nerve damage) that put me down and I halted all work. Just sitting up was painful much less working on the computer. Mrs. M has helped me write the last few posts and has become my hands.

I am still receiving treatment and finally able to work for 10-15 minutes each day. Somedays are worse than others. I do not have a staff or departments to complete the works in progress so everything relies upon me. For those that have met me are well aware that we are a family operation.

So please allow me more time to complete the projects I started. I anticipate 120 Years of Barbering to be completed by August 2016. The Traditional Barber Journal will be released late September 2016. If there are any setbacks please extend your patience and understanding during this difficult time. I intend to complete everything I started.

Mr. M
Psalm 31:1

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120 Years Of Barbering: Memorial Day Tribute 2016

The two barbers featured in the film are both veterans of the United States Military and we would like to acknowledge their service to our country in MEMORIAL of all the men and women who died in military service. We choose to remember their service and sacrifice as a living MEMORIAL.

Frank Chavis was drafted by the Army and fought in WWII in the Philippines and was stationed in Japan. Fred Koon enlisted in the Air Force and was stationed in Tacoma, Washington. Both men settled in California and became barbers, Frank in Stockton and Fred in Orange County.

The film 120 Years of Barbering is about two barbers Frank-90 years young and Fred-76 years young that have a combined 120 years of barbering experience. This film is about barbering history, life, failure, addiction, success, passion and purpose.

You will never view barbering the same again.

Release Date June 2016, thank you for your patience.

Presented by GentlemensAvenue.com, Donnie Hawley and Layrite.

A special thank you to Los Rhythm Rockets for allowing us to use their music

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“Real California: The Small Farm Town Barber”- GA Thanksgiving Film Festival 2015, 2nd selection


The second selection for the GA Thanksgiving Film Festival 2015 is special because it is wild bills tff annoucnementone of the first films we ever shot and it also happens to be at one of our many favorite places to visit. This film is part of the Real California series that features artists, tattooers, barber, craftsman and unique folks throughout the great state of California who are making a difference in their communities and the world at large.

Wild Bill’s Barber Shop is located in Lindsay, CA and is a small farm town of 13,000 residents and surrounded by orchards, groves and mountains. This farm town has a depth that is a rarity these days and the folks are genuine.

Owner Rick Loftin named the shop after his father and is an homage to his character. The décor is real and not store bought which also gives a vintage but authentic nuance. From his grandmother’s old washing machine with washboard or his father’s leather jacket it is all part of who Rick is. Gotta love the Folsom Prison barber chairs!

A huge thank you to the Loftin’s whom I am proud to call our friend’s. Also to the fine folks of Lindsay that made us feel welcomed.

Note: Only one scene was stabilized but the rest is left untouched so as to give you the feeling of walking in the shop.

Stay tuned for the last selection in the GA Film Festival 2015! We hope you enjoy this film and please feel free to leave a comment.

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The Adventures of Dapper Kid- GA Thanksgiving Film Festival 2015 short #1

We decided to make a cool short film about a toddlers visit to a local barber shop because Dapper kid annoucnementquite frankly it would be cool. When you think about what a barber shop is the image of a manly bastion of testosterone and grooming comes to mind. A little bit of humor and beer and you are in for one hell of a good time.

Whittier Blvd has a long and colorful history in Southern California and Uptown Barber Shop was an ideal location to shoot. Not only was the location great but also Gabriel, the owner, truly has a knack for cutting young and old alike. A few months ago we took 6 month old Desi and 2 year old Nicholas Kotsios for a photo shoot for the inaugural issue of the Traditional Barber Journal and it was perfect.

So in a sense this video is a follow-up that documents a true traditional barber performing his profession on a toddler who is able to walk down the Blvd and recognizes the need for proper grooming. So we hope you enjoy the first episode of The Adventures of Dapper Kid, “The Kid and The Barber”!

Stay tuned for more short films in the GA Thanksgiving Film Festival 2015!

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GA Thanksgiving Film Festival 2015


Thank you very much for supporting everything we do. Whether it is publishing books and magazines or launching into independent films you have stood behind us and here is a little something that we created because we can.

While most film festivals take place in different parts of the world we decided to display some of our recent work online and create our own kind of film festival.

These short films (under 10 min) are all new and exciting. We are currently in post production on our first major film project, 120 Years Of Barbering the film that will be released on DVD in April 2016.

We will post the 3 short films on our website and YouTube Channel so stay tuned. This is our way of demonstrating our Thankfulness!

Want to get involved in our many film projects? Produce, Sponsor a one of a kind film project today! Contact us for details [email protected]

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