It’s been a long 1 1/2 months recovering from my back injury and an extremely slow process but I thank God that progress has been made. Still not 100% healthy but your patience and understanding has been a great blessing.
I am glad to resume the final edits on this amazing film. Although my pace may be a bit slower, that is dependent on a day to day. I already edited the film twice and this should be the last and final edit. I anticipate the edits should be done by the end of July and if everything goes well the film will be released in August. Barring any unforeseen changes or setbacks. The first two edits have forged this amazing story of two old time barbers who have a combined 120 years of barbering experience.
My standard for the film has not been lowered and I am still determined to make this the best damn film on barbering history available. You will not view barbering the same!
I must thank everyone involved with the film and especially our sponsor Donnie Hawley for his understanding during this difficult time.
Your Friend,
Mr. M
Psalm 36:5