Episode #017 guest “Luis Arriaga” podcast

itunes logo lodgecast 1400 x 1400Episode #017 features an interview with an amazing musician, entertainer, barber-apprentice and all around bad-ass! Before being a rockabilly/rock and roll musician was a thing, before Viva Las Vegas was a thing, Luis Arriaga was neck deep into living his unique lifestyle. He finds stability and meaning in his family, music and barbering. Not only did we chop it up but he played a few songs and the story behind them.


Date filmed: 7/09/17
Location: Whittier, CA
Guest: Luis Arriaga
Duration: 1 hour, 46 minutes

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Episode #017 guest “Luis Arriaga” vodcast



itunes logo lodgecast 1400 x 1400Episode #017 features an interview with an amazing musician, entertainer, barber-apprentice and all around bad-ass! Before being a rockabilly/rock and roll musician was a thing, before Viva Las Vegas was a thing, Luis Arriaga was neck deep into living his unique lifestyle. He finds stability and meaning in his family, music and barbering. Not only did we chop it up but he played a few songs and the story behind them.


Date filmed: 7/09/17
Location: Whittier, CA
Guest: Luis Arriaga
Duration: 1 hour, 46 minutes

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Episode #016 guest “Omar Romero” podcast

itunes logo lodgecast 1400 x 1400We are super excited to bring you an amazing guest for our 16th episode! Omar Romero is not only a legendary Rockabilly musician, barber and living a healthy lifestyle but also impacting others through his personality and wit. Make sure to tune in and learn about this amazing individual.

Date filmed: 7/08/17
Location: Whittier, CA
Guest: Omar Romero
Duration: 1 hour, 38 minutes

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Episode #016 guest “Omar Romero” vodcast


itunes logo lodgecast 1400 x 1400We are super excited to bring you an amazing guest for our 16th episode! Omar Romero is not only a legendary Rockabilly musician, barber and living a healthy lifestyle but also impacting others through his personality and wit. Make sure to tune in and learn about this amazing individual.

Date filmed: 7/08/17
Location: Whittier, CA
Guest: Omar Romero
Duration: 1 hour, 38 minutes

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Revival of the Traditional Barber Shop Book Cover Release!


In 2013 we started a book, the first of its kind, a modern traditional barber history that documents the revival as it happens. We figured why wait 15-20 years after the fact. Our goal is to document history as it is happening. Not only did we document the revival but also the founders and progenitors of the revival. The barber shops featured in the Southern California edition are influential in their communities and have a worldwide impact in the profession.

The delays have been numerous but we plan to have the book completed by the end of the year. A few delays; a photographer burned us for photos so we had to re-shoot, over 4,200 photos to sort through, selecting the right publisher, and life! Finding the right publisher proved to be a major obstacle. We sought out many publishers during the last few years but each had terms and conditions that we felt compromised the integrity of the book so we decided to do what we have done with all of our projects and that is to be independent and self publish. Another great benefit of self publishing is that we found one in the USA which is a major benefit. The drawback with these choices is a higher cost per unit. The big publishing corporations don’t make it easy for independents to publish their own books but nevertheless that’s exactly what we’re going to do.

We anticipate offering pre-orders and barbershops and companies may obtain the book at wholesale. The barbershops that participated in the book can purchase the book at cost. Our publisher offers volume discounts so that is what we’re aiming for. If we get enough pre-orders with considerable volume then we can place orders.

We thank everyone for your patience. Updates will be posted on social media and our website.


For all the barber shops that participated in the book you need to contact us ASAP to complete the interview if you haven’t already done so. Without your interview the book cannot be published and your history will not be told. I cannot stress this enough because the book is a modern traditional barber history we need you stories. Contact [email protected]

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Support From Around The World!

We are honored and grateful for everyone’s support of our publications. In particular Mr. Toshiyuki Abe from Kawasaki, Japan. He is the owner and operator of Mid-Century Barber Shop and has one of the most impressive traditional barber shops in the world. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram.


Midcentury Support

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Men Stand Up Against Cancer For Movember 2014!

Please visit our Movember page for more information about our fantastic fundraiser event.


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NOW AVAILABLE! The Avenue Men’s Magazine Summer 2014

We have worked long and hard on the Summer 2014 and are proud to release it!
Thank you Omar Romero, Quyen Dinh and everyone who participated in the magazine.

You can purchase a hard copy by clicking here.

We are honored to offer you the FREE digital version as a token of our appreciation!

cover montage download now with toc

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The Avenue Men’s Magazine Summer 2014 Cover Announcement

We are pleased and honored to have two great covers for our Summer 2014 issue.

We have Vinny’s Barber Shop from Los Angeles, CA owned by Omar Romero a musician, producer, barber, father and husband!

The amazing, talented, passionate, original Quyen Dinh! She is not only a great original artist, tattooist but is also forging new and exciting paths. The future is bright and limitless.

The print magazine will be available to purchase and the
digital version will be FREE (PDF and IOS for Ipad) at

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Wild Records Spotlight: Dusty Chance & The Allnighters


The third Wild Wednesday has arrived and we continue to celebrate the successful premiere of Los Wild Ones at the SXSW Film Festival. The third Wild Records artist to be spotlighted is Dusty Chance & The Allnighters, From the Wild Records website and I could have not said it any better!

Torment the rockin world with the Wildest demented form of Rockabilly you are ever going to hear. This act features Omar Romero (Omar & the Stringpoppers) & his sadistic guitar pickin, Jamie Lee Bradley humpin the big bull fiddle like a perverted nutcase & Angel Hernandez smackin the hell out of them skins! When Dusty gets that wild glazed over look in his eyes it raises the question is he the bastard son of the Devil or is he just a raving madman? Does he have the nuts flush or is he a card short of a full deck? Forget everything you’ve heard about these animals, this is the kind of sinnin’ you gotta see for yourself!! Hell, buy em a drink and bear witness to The most perverted, primitive, savage rock n’ roll on the planet!

This is WILD Rockabilly, check out the video below

Wild Records Online


Photo Courtesy of Daniel Funaki www.facebook.com/daniel.funaki




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