NOW AVAILABLE! The Avenue Men’s Magazine Summer 2014

We have worked long and hard on the Summer 2014 and are proud to release it!
Thank you Omar Romero, Quyen Dinh and everyone who participated in the magazine.

You can purchase a hard copy by clicking here.

We are honored to offer you the FREE digital version as a token of our appreciation!

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The Avenue Men’s Magazine Summer 2014 Cover Announcement

We are pleased and honored to have two great covers for our Summer 2014 issue.

We have Vinny’s Barber Shop from Los Angeles, CA owned by Omar Romero a musician, producer, barber, father and husband!

The amazing, talented, passionate, original Quyen Dinh! She is not only a great original artist, tattooist but is also forging new and exciting paths. The future is bright and limitless.

The print magazine will be available to purchase and the
digital version will be FREE (PDF and IOS for Ipad) at

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