What Kind Of Men Will These Boys Become?


Don’t miss out on the amazing inaugural issue of the Traditional Barber Journal that features many great articles and photographs. One great feature is a photo-shoot and transformation of two lil gents, 6 months and 2 years old, as they get groomed at Uptown Barbers in Whittier, CA.

Here is one gem from the photo-shoot. Don’t forget that these young men will grow into men who can influence the world in style, grooming and life. Nicholas Kotsios (2 years old) is sitting in a barber chair from early 1900’s! Teach them young.

nico reading magazine 2 to 20 insta


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Summer Is Quickly Approaching! Are You Ready?


We are gearing up for The Avenue Men’s Magazine Summer/Fall 2015 issue and will release the exciting cover on 5.5.15! Stay tuned because we have a great issue that will blow everyone away!

Our goal is to continue to place men’s magazines right side up! NO BS! NO FLUFF!

Summer Fall 2015 red Ace card

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