Support Our New Project Today!

We are excited to launch a new campaign to raise awareness about the plague EV 15 insta announcementof domestic violence. Our goal is to educate men and women about the dangers of these acts. The statistics are alarming. For instance, every minute 20 people are the victims of domestic violence, a woman is beaten every 9 seconds in the U.S., 1 in 7 men will be victims of severe violence by an intimate partner in their lifetimes.

Men and women can both be the victims of domestic violence.

Click Here to get INVOLVED and TAKE A STAND today! FREE posters and t-shirts (while supplies last)


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NOW AVAILABLE! The Avenue Men’s Magazine Summer 2014

We have worked long and hard on the Summer 2014 and are proud to release it!
Thank you Omar Romero, Quyen Dinh and everyone who participated in the magazine.

You can purchase a hard copy by clicking here.

We are honored to offer you the FREE digital version as a token of our appreciation!

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