An Old Curious Saying, “The Word Of A Gentleman Is As Good As His Bond”


The great author Charles Dickens (1812-1870) wrote a phrase that echoes and casts a shadow upon all who read it in The Old Curiosity Shop (1840-1841), “the word of a Gentleman is as good as his bond.” The statement declares that words spoken by a Gentleman have value and are binding but tragically today words become an audible sound that never make it into practice or action.

A Gentleman’s word is binding because there is value in what is said but only when actions follow. The idea of a bond is something that you are obligated to fulfill. For instance, if you tell a friend that you will be at their house at 5 p.m. and don’t show up, you have demonstrated your words do not have any value.

A Gentleman’s word reflects who you are and the actions will prove whether you are trustworthy. Individuals start business arrangements with the mere exchange of words, ideas and concepts, trust and security is the foundation to forming relationships. If the person proves to be untrustworthy by their actions they have proved their meaningless value. Their word cannot be valued and trusted.

In the technologically advanced era of emails, facebook, twitter, text messages and anything else that can be used to communicate with others, the spoken and written word needs to be a Gentleman’s bond. If we fail to meet our obligations then words will be meaningless sounds and relationships will be broken.

Men of tradition and distinction have upheld their word by binding themselves to what they say. Never over commit and fulfill your obligations because only then will you demonstrate that you are a Gentleman whose word is his bond.

Mr. M


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