Episode #025 guest “Rana Zand” vodcast


itunes logo lodgecast 1400 x 1400Episode 025 features an incredibly talented individual who is not only crushing it in the fast paced world of real estate but also making an indelible mark upon her “clients” who become friends. Her zest for life is infectious and inspirational. We hope you enjoy our conversation with the beautiful Rana Zand.

Date filmed: 10/07/17
Location: Whittier, CA
Guest: Rana Zand
Duration: 1 hour 8 minutes

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Episode #025 guest “Rana Zand” podcast

itunes logo lodgecast 1400 x 1400Episode 025 features an incredibly talented individual who is not only crushing it in the fast paced world of real estate but also making an indelible mark upon her “clients” who become friends. Her zest for life is infectious and inspirational. We hope you enjoy our conversation with the beautiful Rana Zand.

Date filmed: 10/07/17
Location: Whittier, CA
Guest: Rana Zand
Duration: 1 hour 8 minutes

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2017 Gentlemen's Avenue